Sunday, January 1, 2017

What is This?

My name is A.J. Foss and welcome to Ranting About Movies.
So, what is this blog about? Essentially, it's me ranting about movies, just like the name of the blog says.
Okay, let me go a little bit deeper.
If you think this is a simple movie review site, you're wrong because I only go to about the movies around three times a year.
Technically, I will be reviewing movies, but one of the things I want to do is defend some movies that I feel are not bad as other Internet commentators would make you out to believe, for example the Star Wars prequels.
Yes, the prequels are no where near as good as the original trilogy, but there are a few good things or scenes from those three movies, that I would point out to you in that type of article.
I will also do a lot of countdown lists such as best sequels or best franchises.
And I will try to review some movies that I have seen recently, but don't expect them to be immediately after the film released like Rogue One which I still haven't seen.
For those interested in continuing to follow this blog, I will have to warn that I will discuss spoilers in my observations, so if you want read about something that does not contain spoilers, then this is probably not the movie blog for you.
Anyway, there is my introduction and I hope to have an article written up for you soon.
Stay tuned.

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